… Reset your hormones with…
pH Hormone Balance
… Alkalize to revitalize…
12 Days Deep Cleansing, Acid-Alkaline and hormone balance Program
pH gut Balance-As strange as it may sound perfect balance in the body begins in the bloodstream. Furthermore, the repair of injuries, reduction of inflammation, building of strong bones, hormonal balance and increase of energy and vitality begin there as well. In order to function properly the blood and other body fluids must maintain a very narrow Acid/Alkaline balance.
This program is based on guidelines of Integrated Naturotherapy intending to correct body’s Acid-Alkaline imbalance (curb excess body acidity).This balance is major regulator throughout nature, just as pollution, acid rain, chemicals effect globally; in the same way too much acid food rots our insides. Virtually hormonal imbalance including thyroid hormone imbalance (leading to hypo/hyper thyroidism), adrenal hormone resistance (leading to renal issues, stress, anxiety…), insulin resistance (leading to diabetes, PCOD/PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal (stubborn) weight; all degenerative diseases including heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney/gallstones & tooth decay are associated with excess acidity(Acidosis) in the body.
Remember diseases cannot exist in pH balanced environment.
Understanding pH
pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 – the lower the pH the more acidic the solution, the higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) the solution. When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline it has a pH of 7 which is neutral.
Know your body’s pH
Optimally we want the fluids in our bodies to have a pH level, which is 7.35 to 7.45, while stomach alone is at a low pH around 2, to aid in digestion and create an inhospitable environment for bacteria and parasites.
Injuries repair faster and health challenges improve quicker when the pH is maintained in this zone. At this level of pH, the body is highly oxygenated, it detoxifies and heals itself, its cells are re-energized, and it has a strong immunity to diseases.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of us have an acidic pH level below 7.0
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated “Today, with our high sodium, high protein, high processed food diets, we are even more in need of the alkaline ash minerals. These minerals act as buffers to neutralize excess acid. If not present in sufficient quantities, the body “steals” these much mineral needed buffers from our bones and thus such deficiencies are thought to be a leading cause of osteoporosis.
Changes in extra and intracellular pH affect our body’s metabolic status & hormone responses. Acid base disorders affect insulin hormone, adrenal hormones, parathormone secretion and action. Other hormones including renin-angiotensin, aldosterone, sexual hormones also respond to the changes in pH
Source - NLH, Operated by US federal gov.
How does the body become too acidic?
Originally, alkaline is the body’s natural and pure state. However, many factors in today’s society contribute to an over acidic environment. Our epidemic of acid accumulation is a direct consequence of our current lifestyle habits. Foods that have been metabolized by the body leave behind a chemical residue called “ash”. When combined with body fluids this ash can be either acid forming or alkali forming. Foods that leave acid ash lower the pH level of blood, causing an accumulation of acid. High acidity enters our bodies by eating processed foods, pre-packaged foods, sugary foods, white flour products, dairy products, including milk, cheese, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, drugs, processed table salt, foods grown and processed with pesticides, preservatives, antibiotics, or hormones. Meats, including beef, chicken and turkey, also promote acidity.
Because of the acid overload in our environment, most of our drinking water, RO water pH is also acidic.
Even stress creates excess acid. If you’re not getting enough sleep or alkaline exercise (over training your workouts lead to excess lactic acid accumulation leading to Lactic Acidosis) you probably have more acid than your body can handle. Your cells are absorbing acidic toxins much faster than you can get rid of them through your colon, lungs, skin and kidneys.
How to know if your food is acid forming or alkaline forming?
Check the PRAL (Potential Renal Acid Load) value of the food. Instead of simply categorizing a food as acidic or alkaline, PRAL measures the exact amount of acidity or alkalinity of a food based on the amount of protein, minerals (calcium, phosphorus...) that’s left behind the body once it’s been metabolized.
Since protein and phosphorus breakdown into sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid, they are considered acidifying to the body. When the alkaline food is metabolized, it will leave behind alkaline trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.
What happens when our blood turns too acidic?
Blood acidosis can impact how every organ in your body functions.
Though the body has a natural mechanism to stay alkaline, long term acid buildup will exhaust the buffer alkaline ions from the body, leading to “chronic low grade metabolic acidosis”. Unless we take steps to neutralise these acids, they pose serious threat to our health. Prolonged acidosis eventually forces our body to deplete calcium and other minerals (magnesium, potassium) from the soft tissues to make body alkaline, which leads to muscle, joint and calf pains, heart ailments and various metabolic disorders. Further more bacteria/viruses thrive in acidic environment (they live, eat and procreate in acidic environments) resulting in the creation of more toxins and increasing the risk of infections.
Flush out Acids:
The first and foremost strategy in our cleanse program is to flush toxic residues out of the blood, lymph, tissues and organs. Almost all forms of internal toxicity cause a state of acidosis in the body which:
. Suppresses our immune response
. Interferes with our normal metabolism
. Inhibits digestion and assimilation
. Promotes fungal and bacterial infections and;
. Causes all sorts of other biological malfunctions and ill health
Effects of Acidosis
What does pH have to do with my hormones?
Normally our internal environment should sit at a neutral balance around 7.4 pH. That balance is highly sensitive to lifestyle and food choices: i.e. stress, alcohol, animal food, excess exercise and sugar will tip you much more to the acidic end of the spectrum. Why is this important? An acidic environment can wreak havoc in many aspects of our existence producing symptoms of pain and inflammation, tendency to weight gain or loss, yeast/bacteria/fungal overgrowth and hormonal irregularities. The proliferation of yeast, bacteria, fungi and viruses in an acidic environment leads to an interference in the enzyme and coenzyme activity involved in hormonal balance. Furthermore, these microbes can feed on hormones leading to deficiencies. An acid-alkaline balance could reverse/ help prevent further depletion and damage.
(PCOD/PCOS, Diabetes, Hormonal weight) Metabolic acidosis interferes with your body’s ability to maintain normal functions of your endocrine system (the collection of glands that produce hormones). This can cause your body to build a resistance to insulin. If left untreated for too long or not corrected in time, it can lead to lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, PCOS/PCOD, Hormonal weight gain…
What happens when our blood turns too acidic?
Chronic metabolic acidosis, induces a decrease in thyroid hormone secretion and might exert additional effects on thyroid hormone metabolism in humans. The acidosis-induced decrease in thyroid function can modulate nitrogen balance, protein synthesis, lean body mass, insulin-like growth factor I levels, renal acidification, and cardiac contractile function. Source: NLH (Effect of chronic metabolic acidosis on thyroid hormone homeostasis in humans)
On a daily basis, the body breaks down the acid in the food you eat (especially protein) to produce these H+ ions. They're eliminated by the kidneys, with the help of the adrenal glands. High acidity increases the workload of the kidneys and the adrenal glands to eliminate the excess H+ ions. The higher the number of hydrogen ions in the blood, the higher the blood's acidity and the lower the pH.
To help the kidneys eliminate an acid load, the adrenal glands secrete a hormone called aldosterone. Because the adrenal glands secrete aldosterone in response to acidosis, acidosis increases stress on the adrenal glands. In turn, adrenal fatigue can increase acidity; as the adrenal glands become less able to produce aldosterone, the kidneys may not be as able to eliminate the acid load.
Over time, acidosis can affect the integrity of the cells and change the environment of the cells from a normal state to an oxidative state. This causes the formation of free radicals, which promote the inflammatory process.
If your body is on the acidic side, you're at increased risk of developing a whole of host of problems, including chronic inflammation, pain, cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. A lower pH than normal increases the risk of developing malignancy, adrenal fatigue, osteoporosis, and kidney disease. Maintaining an acidic pH also dramatically contributes to the healthy aging process.
Prolonged Acidosis leads to Inflammation.
Chronic Inflammation wrecks gut health and puts the body in Fight – or – Flight mode. This mode results in more Cortisol (stress hormone) production and contributes to imbalances in Insulin, Estrogen, Progesterone….resulting in PCOD/PCOS, Peri/Post-Menopausal hormonal imbalances, Prostate ailments….
The Diabetes Of Bearded Women
PCOS is the most common endocrine/reproductive disorder in the world. It affects an estimated 8 to 20% of women of reproductive age globally. 40% of patients diagnosed with PCOS suffer from infertility, and 90% to 95% of women in infertility clinics who cannot conceive due to lack of ovulation suffer from PCOS.
PCOSRotterdam Criteria–
Polycystic Ovaries: High Insulin/ Estrogen leading to Enlarged ovarieswith small cysts on the outer edges
Oligo-Anovulation:Elevated levels of testosterone leading to Few or No ovulatory menstrual cycles
Hyperandrogenism:Excessive production/secretion of androgens, usually manifested by acne, hirsutism (increased facial & body hair growth), frontal alopecia, menstrual irregularities
In 2012 NIH recommended to use Rotterdam criteria for PCOS diagnosis. A patient could be diagnosed with PCOS if they showed two of the three criteria.
PCOS Spectrum:
Classic polycystic ovary PCOS – Chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism & polycystic ovaries
Classic non-polycystic ovary PCOS – Chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism &normal ovaries
Non-classic ovulatory PCOS – Regular menstrual cycles, hyperandrogenism &polycystic ovaries
Non-classic mild PCOS–Chronic anovulation, normal androgens&polycystic ovaries
Prolonged exposure to high levels of Cortisol causes Cushings syndrome, characterized by weight gain, menstrual irregularities, infertility (which can be confused with PCOS). Characteristics that help distinguish Cushings from PCOS: fat pocket below the nape of the neck (buffalo hump), thinning skin, muscle atrophy, decreased bone density, severe psychiatric & cognitive dysfunction.
A complex condition that includes physical and emotional symptoms (Severe abdominal pain/ cramps, Back/Joint/Muscle pains, Water retention, Weight gain, Gut issues (Contipation, diarrhea, nausea…), Mood swings, Breast tenderness, Unhealthy food cravings, Ftigue, Irritability, Depression…) during their menstrual cycle. Research shows that: women with PMS have imbalanced etrogen and progesterone levels. When left untreated can put you at risk for developing PCOS or Severe Peri/Psot Menopausal side effects
The level of Imbalance in Estrogen, Progesterone and testosterone prior/during menopause can result in symptoms (low level/worse) like Changes in length of menstrual cycle (Irregualr or No periods), Hotfalshes, Headaches, Hair loss, Weak/Brittle bones, Low bone density, Weight gain, Dry skin, Insomnia, Trouble concentrating/ remembering, Vaginal dryness, Low libido, Mood swings, Depression. When not corrected post menopause the symptoms continue to worsen over a window of 8 years.